Now days the pollution is a very important topic because it destroys the air, water and land. These ones are destroy by different products that affect the human health, the quality of life and the function of natural ecosistems.
The pollution of air can be caused by the smoke of factories, the incinerators, the car motors and many other factors. The pollution of water, rivers, lakes and oceans are polluted by domestic wastes, nuclear and industrial. The pollution of the environment is caused by industrial wastes, human activities and fertilizers.
The pollutants in some cases there are invisibles, and the effects on the atmosphere an water some times are not inmediately evident but in large periods there are devastating. Some of the consequences that the pollution can bring is the acid rain. This one prejudices the ecosistems of water and forests; futhermore it prejudices people and materials.
Principal Atmospheric Contaminats
The principal sources of pollution on the atmosphere includes different individual activities, like driving, industrial activities, as the manufacture of products and incomes of electricity.
Principal Contaminants Sources
Carbon Monoxide (CO)
Escape of gases from vehicles, and industrial process.
Sulphur Dioxide (SO2)
Generating Installations of heating and electricity which uses oil and coal with contents sulphur; factories of acid sulphuric.
Air Suspension Particles
Escaped gases form vehicles, industrial process, wastes incineration; heat generations and electricity; contaminats gases on the atmosphere.
Lead (Pb)
Escaped gases from vehicles, lead smelting; battery factories.
Nitrogen Oxide (NO, NO2)
Escaped gases from vehicles, heat generation and electricity; nitric acid; explosives; fertilizer factories.
The ozone (O3) damages the atmosphere; and the nitrate.
No metanic hydrocarbon( which includes etane, ethylene, propane, butane and pentane).
Escaped gases from vehicles, solvent evaporations, industrial process; solid wastes elimination; fuel combustion.
Reacts with nitrogen oxides and with solar light with the purpose for creating photochemicals.
Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
All the combustion sources.
Search on Internet different kinds of causes that can perjudice the environment and answer in the notebook the following questions with their own anwers:
1.- Which domestic products can create pollution?
2.- How human beings are affected by pollution?
3.- In which way we can avoid the pollution?
4.- Which are the causes of the pollution?
5.- What do you think about pollution? and, ¿ Which do you think are the solutions to this problem?
To answer this questions you can search in different Web pages or in search pages, for example:
The classmates would be evaluated according to the answers given for the questions depending on the mayor achivement of the topic. The manner in which students wpould be evaluated is in this way:
10-9 Excellent comprehension of the topic and the development of the ideas are well structured and fundamented; with an excellent investigation.
8-7 Good comprehension of the topic and the development of the ideas are well fundamented ;and with a good investigation.
6-5 Bad comprehension of the topic and the development of the ideas are bad fundamented ;and with a bad investigation.
5-0 Theres no comprehension of the topic and the development of the ideas are bad fundamented with the investigation.
In this activity students will learn to investigate in different Web pages with multiple information which help them know and learn about global issues in the humanity including pollution. They will need to interpret the points of view of different authors and they will recognize with efectivness their implications in the environment.
They will develop new ideas in the process of investigation including a good reflexion of the work made.
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